1. The Society shall be called “Cymdeithas Sioe Amaethyddol Llanddarog a’r Cylch” – “The Llanddarog and District Agricultural Show Society”.
2. Principal objectives of the Society shall be the improvements of the breeds of livestock, the development of agriculture generally and to hold an annual exhibition and if the Society so decides, to combine other classes as it finds necessary.
3. The Society shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Vice-Presidents, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Subscribers, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Financial Secretary.
4. The officials of the Society shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and all appointments shall be for one year only, apart from the chair which is a two-year election. The retiring officers and one third of the Committee shall retire annually by rotation but shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.
5. The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held in the month of September of each year, to which all subscribers and the officials of the previous Show will be invited.
6. The Annual General Meeting in appointing a committee, the number to be decided at the meeting, will invest in the Committee powers as it may be necessary for the running of the forthcoming Show. A quorum of theCommittee shall consist of five.
7. The rules of the Society shall and only be altered by a General Meeting of the Society.
8. Subscribers of £10 and over will be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting.
9. A list of the year’s subscribers will be printed in the next year’s Schedule in a format compliant with GDPR and subscriptions for the current year will close on 22nd June 2024.
10. An account up to 31st August each year will be presented at the Annual General Meeting.
11. The Annual General Meeting, if it so desires, may appoint Patrons and Hon. Life Members.
12. The funds of the Society shall be utilized solely for the purpose of maintaining the objectives of the Society and Charities.